
"Interview with a blogger..."

Chelle posted an interview on her blog and asked if other people wanted to participate and I figured that as I only have two e-mails I have to reply to in my inbox (which I will get around to today, I promise!!) it would be the perfect opportunity to get back into my blogging groove. I have no idea if it will work or not, but here goes: 1. What is the hardest part of living far from home? I think that the hardest part is not being able to be with my family/friends on special occasions. I hate missing Christmas and people`s birthdays, especially because those things aren`t really celebrated here in the same way that they are at home. It is also really hard being a Mum with so little support. I am blessed with the friends I have here and that is probably the reason I have yet to run screaming and crying home but it is tough knowing how much easier the whole motherhood thing would be if my parents were closer. 2. What is your favourite Japanese tradition? Hmmm... this is a tough one because there are so many! I don`t know if it counts but I think that Cherry Blossom viewing (hanami) is probably my favourite tradition and as it is Hanami season at the moment, I am looking forward to taking Joey to the park and checking out the pretty flowers!!! 3. What is the hardest thing you have had to do as a parent? I think we have had things pretty easy so far (touch wood) but I would say the hardest thing for me has been getting through the first couple of months of breastfeeding. It is hard to believe that almost two years down the line, Joey and I still have a successful BF-ing relationship (which I am going to bring to a close soon.. maybe that will become my new hardest thing?!?!) because the first couple of months were phenomenally tough and painful for me (I have semi-inverted nipples.. who knows what I was thinking??!) However, now that time is over and a somewhat distant memory, I don`t regret it for a moment! 4. What is your favourite tv show at the moment? Veronica Mars! I am most unimpressed that there is such a long break in the middle of the series and can`t wait for it to start up again! 5. If you could have tea with anyone, who would it be? There are a whole heap of bloggers who I have never met IRL (Chelle, Tanyetta, Gina and DD to name a few) I would like to have tea/ a playdate with but if we are including people who aren`t alive anymore, I would like the have tea with my Grandad and show him what a super cool little boy his namesake is turning out to be! If anyone wants to take part in the interview game, leave a comment and I will come up with some personalised questions and get back to you with them.


Anonymous said...

Wow Great answers!!!!
I am so glad you participated!!
I agree it is hard to parent far from home, but the friends we make seem to be even more amazing?!?!

2 emails ... I have 300! ugh I am so behind!

Gina said...

Oh I would like to have tea and a playdate with you too! Very cool! : )