
Two weeks.

Two weeks ago today I left Japan. I have been all caught up in the excitement of being back in London and the whirlwind on interviews that I haven't really taken time to think about what that means yet. I am sure I will have time to reflect on it at some point and there are certainly already things that I miss but for now, I am going to stay positive and look on the bright side! Living with my parents has been "challenging" and I have realised that it probably won't be a long term arrangement as living in someone else's house after so many years of having my own space is harder than I thought it would be. However, for the moment, it is something I will have to deal with. I was offered another job on Monday morning. I now have to decide between the two by lunchtime today. The second position is for a PA job to the MD of the European branch of a Japanese internet media company. They are just setting up the branch so it is quite an exciting opportunity as I will learn alot about the business and how things work. The MD doesn't speak much English so he will need me to go to meetings with him and interpret, translate e-mails for him and offer him general support. He also said that he would need me to take the occasional business trip with him to various places in Europe. I am somewhat torn between the two jobs because they are both great opportunities but my gut feeling is to go for the PA job. Obviously it is a risk, because the company is just starting out in Europe but if things go well, it could be a huge opportunity for me. I am a little bit worried that my Japanese might not be up to scratch but as I was interviewed in Japanese, he seems to think I will be fine so hopefully once I review some business-related vocab I will be good to go!!! Ok, time to make some lists of pros and cons for each job as I only have a couple of hours to decide. Looks like either way I will be starting work in the next couple of weeks so that is going to be exciting! I am going to have to get myself some more suitable clothes though as I don't think I will be get by with just one suit!! ;-)


Granny said...

Best wishes, whatever decision you make.

I'm glad your life is going so well.

Anonymous said...

Congrats! I look forward to reading about your new job!

Gina said...

Congratulations on being offered both jobs! You'll make the right choice Midori, with regards to which job is best for you! Give a cuddle to Joey from me, please! : )

Tigermama said...

It`s really inspiring to read about your journey. Go with your gut!

P.S. Tag, you`re it!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations on getting 2 job offers in less than 2 weeks! That's pretty impressive!

Anonymous said...

Delurking to say: I hope you went with the gut option!

Good luck to you, girl! The world is your oyster!

*Tanyetta* said...

So glad to see you're settling in as much as possible. I know how it feels to live with other people. Hope it works out :)

good luck on the new job.

eatsleepcricket said...

Glad things are going really well in London - keep up the good work and the blogging!

G and C