
12,006 visitors

I am not going to close this blog down/ delete it for a while as I want people to be able to find me if they want to. I know the person making anonymous comments has been back several times since I announced that I was moving and they have, as yet, not e-mailed me to ask for my new blog address so I am assuming that while they like making anonymous comments, they are not interested enough in my life to continue reading. As I said, anyone wanting the new address is welcome to e-mail me: kags0203@yahoo.co.uk Just let me know how you found my blog and I will be more than happy to give you the new URL. If you don`t want to continue reading over on typepad then I would just like to say thank you all for sticking with me over my blogging journey and especially over the emotional rollercoaster of the past couple of years. I can`t believe I have been blogging for as long as I have but I will definitely continue to do so.

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