
double or single eyelids??

My SIL e-mailed me today because she is very excited that her daughter seems to be developing a double eyelid on the right hand side. She says this makes her daugher look cuter. I personally think her daughter is pretty cute anyway so don`t understand what the fuss is all about. My husband says that our son has an "okubutai" which means the double eyelid is deep-set rather that obvious. He is hoping it will be more obvious when Mr T gets bigger because that will make him more "kakkoi" (cool). I personally think our son is gorgeous just as he is and the fact that he has two eyes and can see properly is more than enough for me. I get annoyed by comments from my husband`s family that it is good that he didn`t get small eyes like his Dad. I think my husband has lovely eyes but he says that as the are small and have a single lid rather than a double one, they are ugly eyes. Apparently I don`t underdstand what the fuss is about because all Westerners have a double lid and are supposedly more attractive as a result. If you go to this link, you can see pictures of women who have undergone surgery to have their eyes changed to have double eyelids. All kinds of eyelids There are products in Japan that you can buy to glue your eyelid so that it becomes a double eyelid (this is for people who can`t afford surgery) and I don`t understand it. I have a friend who tries to do this and I think she looks much prettier without her eyelids glued and made-up. Do I just not understand because I am Western or is it because Japanese people are taking the "westerners are super-cool" thing too far?


MorganDobson said...

Wow! I had never heard or seen anything like that before! And you are right J is just as cute as a button!

Perogyo said...

I don't get it either. But then again I don't get people who have surgery for breast enhancement either.

Perogyo said...

PS- to insert a link on a word, just highlight the word and click on the hyperlink tab (looks like a globe with a chain on top- should be third from the left on the create post page) and enter the link.

Andrea said...

I know this is done but have never understood it. I understand corrective sergury when some asian children born with huge eyes end up with a droopy eyelid, but this idea is stupid. It makes them look more 'white'.
Why cant people just accept the way they are?

Midori said...

Worst thing is that I don`t know what to say to my SIL. I could lie and say "how cool, yes she does look cuter" but that would just encourage her to send me more e-mails like that. I could pour scorn on it and say "What are you talking about, she looks just fine either way" or I could take the route I am taking right now, ignoring the double eyelid thing and talking about the weather instead!!!

kuri, ping, the pinglet, & mini-ping said...

I saw a woman on the train the other day doing this thing with an eyebrow curler to give herself a 2nd eyelid...OUCH! Holy sh*t. My eyes were watering just looking at her. But I couldn't tear myself away from looking...Oh, my eyes are watering right now, just remembering it.

eatsleepcricket said...

Maybe I'm being simplistic, but my eyes are precious to me (the same goes for anyone else's to them) and the thought of an operation on or anywhere near them if not totally necessary scares me.

If people are prepared to get tucks put in their eyelids and risk damaging their eyes for fashion, IMHO they need to rethink their priorities, cultural differences be damned!

Midori said...

I agree with you ESC!! I had an eye operation when I was a kid and believe me, it is not an experience I would want to undergo again for the sake of fashion.

Anonymous said...

erm i haf double eyelid and i dunno y its so deep i don really lyk it cos my eyes is already so small den my eyelid thick mah den makes it even smaller i've been finding waes to get rid of it i guess some ppl look nicer in double eyelid and some nicer in single eyelid got any tips how to make my eyes bigger anywae or get rid of my double eyelid?i'm quite young so don tell me to go surgery or put make up anywae if i use tape erm issit gonna work?