
New students, noises and other ramblings..

As you can see from above, I suck at finding new titles for posts!!! ;-) I have some new students who I will be teaching twice a week from this week. They are 3 (nearly 4) year old twin girls. One of them is very sweet and co-operative and the other is a bit of a monster (from what I can tell from one class) but I can`t complain as their parents are paying me quite nicely to come and teach their daughters. The best thing about this class is that they have a 2 year old sister and an 8 month old brother (their Mum has obviously spent the past 5 years pregnant) so I get to take Joey along and he can play with the other kids. It is good for him as he doesn`t really have many opportunities to play with other babies and I think that kind of interaction is very important for him. I think he gets pretty bored just hanging out with me all the time! He likes the computer though, as you can see from this pic:

On Saturday Jenn and I hung out in the afternoon. She really helped me out because I have been feeling so tired and fed-up lately (probably because it rained for most of last week). I love staying at home with my son but I get a bit fed up of being solely responsible for him. I know I am not technically a single Mum but some days I really feel like one. Anyway, on saturday Jenn helped me run errands and carried Joey around for me (which was a BIG help because he is so damn heavy..) We had alot of fun and even managed our traditional trip to Starbucks!!

I have been spending alot more time (read: FAR TOO MUCH time) nosing through other people`s blogs recently and everyone seems to be doing this trivia thing so I thought I would have a go:

Ten Top Trivia Tips about Midori!

  1. The book of Esther in the Bible is the only book which does not mention Midori.
  2. There are six towns named Midori in the United States!
  3. Koalas sleep for 22 hours a day, two hours more than Midori!
  4. Midori is the only metal that is liquid at room temperature.
  5. Bananas don't grow on trees - they grow on Midori.
  6. According to the story, Pinocchio was made of Midori.
  7. Midori can not regurgitate.
  8. The first American zoo was built in 1794, and contained only Midori.
  9. California is the biggest exporter of Midori in the world.
  10. Marie Antoinette never said 'let them eat cake' - this is a mistranslation of 'let them eat Midori'.
I am interested in - do tell me about
Doesn`t make much sense but I am very proud because I was able to get it to show up properly! I am slowly getting the hang of all the blog functions and thanks to Andrea and JW I have managed to get my blog roll looking very smart! Now the only problem will come when I want to add more links!!! Also thanks to Medea for telling me how to insert hyperlinks! :-)

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