
Feeling sorry for myself!

I have a cold and it is making me miserable because a) I am still BF-ing Joey at night so can`t take any serious medicine and b) I have a toddler who is going to be 2 in less than 2 weeks and he is keeping me on my toes and not letting me get much rest and c) I still have to make it to class or I will be stuck doing lots of make-up classes and I hate that more than going to class while feeling crappy. I decided to take a risk and took some cold meds (thanks Jenn!) this morning as I figure I have more than 8 hours before Joey is going to be interested.. I am working on weaning him as I plan to be done as soon after his second birthday as possible. He is fighting it but I am hoping that the process won`t be too painful.


Anonymous said...

awww so sorry to read that you are not feeling well! Becca seemed to ween much too quickly ... get pregnant toddlers do not like the hormonally changed taste :P

Midori said...

LOL! Several people have said that to me now. However, as you know, pregnancy is at the bottom of my list of things to do this year!!! ;-) I do get occasional spurts of baby-lust especially as so many people around me have just had babies/ have just found out they are expecting but I think that in order to be the kind of Mum I want to be, I need to get a few things in order first so will be taking my time on the second baby thing!!! ;-)

Sarah@mommyinjapan said...

Weaning can be easy if you do some prep work first. 1. Buy a cool cup that Joey falls in love with 2. Get him to fall asleep on his own. If you're nursing him to sleep it will be more difficult to stop.

If neither of these are a problem for you then it'll be even easier. Every two weeks stop one feeding and supplement with milk, water or preferred beverage.

Also, if this is an emotional process for you, try not to show it to Joey. Kids can read our emotions so easily and use them against us. Smarty-pants 2-year-olds!

Pregnancy works too!! My first child quit nursing at 8-months old because I was pregnant again (Surprise!). I weaned the other two using the process above. With only one more to wean, I'm looking forward to having my body back!

Lily said...

Good luck with the weaning. It will feel so liberating once it happens. No longer wearing outfits that make it easy to BF, Joey sleeping deeply ALL NIGHT. I liked breastfeeding but I think I might not do it so long this time around.