
Friday morning feelings...

I started a post yesteray evening but then remembered that I was supposed to send a statement to my brother and his fiancee for their immigration application (for my bro to live in Australia) so I stopped writing and concentrated on that and by the time I had finished that I wasn`t in the mood for blogging. We have a busy few days ahead of us. Joey`s birthday extravaganza is on Sunday and I have yet to do anything to prepare for it! I figure I will hit the 100 yen shop this morning for decorations/ pass the parcel presents etc.. and then spend the afternoon cleaning up the apartment (with class in between) I also need to clean out the fridge/ freezer in preparation for everything arriving from the flying pig. Tomorrow my MIL is coming in the afternoon so I figure I can concentrate on decorating/ food shopping/ cooking when she is here. I wasn`t going to invite her at first (as I figured all the Japanese people coming to the party would "ki wo tsukau" because she was there) but then figured that this might be her last chance to attend one of Joey`s parties and also I wanted her to see how "we" celebrate birthdays!! As a result, there is extra pressure on me to do things properly!!! With perfect (not!) timing, my period arrived yesterday so I am a mess of stomach aches and headaches but the beauty is that for the first time in a LONG time I was able to take something stronger than paracetamol (tylenol) for the pain and felt better almost instantly!! I guess if you don`t put that kind of thing in your system for a long time, they work quicker when you do!!!! I totally thought Joey would fight the weaning thing alot more than he has and after my last post had decided that maybe now wasn`t the best time to be weaning him with all the changes on the horizon but he hasn`t put up a fight at all so that has made it very easy. He has taken to copping a feel of my boobs from time to time but has not actively tried to BF since last Friday. I am a little bit sad that he has transitioned so quickly but we are having lots of cuddles to make up for it!!! I am now worried about how much extra weight I am going to gain now that I have completely stopped BF-ing! I guess I will have to try and start doing more at the gym again, I haven`t been for ages as I lost my groove and just haven`t been in the mood! ok, mr Joey Joey has woken up so it is time to get on with my day!!


Gina said...

I've just started working out again myself (Isn't this like my 8th attempt so far? lol). I go through times of working out like mad and times of giving up and blowing off working out all together. Sigh. I'm sorry to hear you've got the cramps and stuff related to "that time of the month" , ughhh I hate that time of the month myself. I usually just take it easy, lay on the couch. Wear something comfy and have some hot tea and soaking in a hot bath at night. So I know what you mean. Except, since I'm still BF'ing I can't take anything too strong. So I usually just suffer along. Ha ha ha. Wink, wink! Your party sounds so awesome that you will be throwing for Joey! I think that was so sweet of you to invite your MIL, because of the reasons you said. Very kind of you really! I bet you found tons of fantastic stuff for the party today!Have a fantastic weekend Midori! : )

Trisha said...

Best of luck with getting everything together for the party. I know that it will turn out fine. Make sure to post pics!

Anonymous said...

Good Luck with everything and have fun!

Happy birthday to Joey!

Sarah@mommyinjapan said...

I thought you could take Ibuprofin (Advil) even if you are breastfeeding. I took them everytime.

I always get weird looks when people realize I'm breastfeeding and started my period (usually around 5 months post-partum). I think there's a lot of misinformation among Japanese moms. I feel bad for them. For example, I was talking to two of my neighbor ladies recently. One is a nurse and she was asking me what kind of birth control we're using since everyone knows that we're hoping NOT to get pregnant again. I told her that my husband is planning on getting a vasectomy and the other lady looked shocked. After we talked a little bit more, it turned out that she though if a man had a vasectomy that he wouldn't be able to get an erection! The nurse informed her that that was not the case but this kind of misinformation is typical of what I run into.

Sorry to us all those words. Hopefully only women are reading this and won't mind!!